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6.2 Plattfuss räumt auf

Plattfuss räumt auf

Um das Übel bei der Wurzel zu packen, fliegt Rauschgiftfahnder Rizzo, von Neapel nach Bangkok, dem Knotenpunkt des internationalen Heroinschmuggels. Dort bekommt der Kommissar es mit dem gewieften Gangster Frank Barella zu tun, der sich als zäher Gegner erweist. Es beginnt eine wilde Verfolgungsjagd von Bangkok über Hongkong nach Macao – denn Rizzo ist fest entschlossen, dem Heroin-Syndikat endlich das Handwerk zu legen.

1975 Action 108 min Spielen
5.6 Magic Touch

Magic Touch

Andrea, a forty-year old engineer, suddenly becomes unemployed while his wife France gets a promotion. He is very down hearted and since he does not want to be a burden to his family he takes the place of the house maid.

1983 Comedy 89 min Spielen
4.8 Bonnie and Clyde Italian Style

Bonnie and Clyde Italian Style

Two stupid lowlifes are "forced" into a life of violent crime on the streets of Italy. What follows is a mocking takeoff of the American crime classic "Bonnie and Clyde."

1982 Comedy 97 min Spielen
3.9 An Ideal Adventure

An Ideal Adventure

Patrizia, journalist of a weekly Roman, tired of not being given just consideration by its director Eugenio Zafferi, just to be able to get a job worthy of his talent, decides to launch a challenge to his boss: if he can write an article worthy the first page will be promoted, otherwise it will have to give him a night for its inviting thanks. Zafferi accepts the challenge and, on the advice of the editor sailed Orietta Fallani, assigns Patrizia investigation into the sexual fantasies of ...

1982 Comedy 96 min Spielen
6.7 Banana Joe

Banana Joe

Ein Bananenbauer lebt mit seiner Familie ein ruhiges Leben auf einer Insel. Eines Tages übernimmt die Mafia jedoch die Herrschaft über die Bananenplantagen und der Bauer muss sich mit Behörden und Mafia auseinandersetzen, um seine Existenz zu retten. Als ihm die Lizenz zum Anbau immer wieder verweigert wird, rastet er schließlich aus.

1982 Action 96 min Spielen
5.3 Fico d’India

Fico d’India

Lorenzo is the mayor of a small town. One evening, returning home, surprised the well-known playboy Ghigo Buccilli who tries to seduce his beautiful wife. Enraged, he threatens the two with a gun, and Buccilli is the victim of a heart attack: the man survives but, forced to total rest, remains at the mayor's house. The result is an endless series of gags and misunderstandings, due to the stratagems devised by Lorenzo to avoid that the situation becomes the subject of gossip by fellow citizens ...

1980 Comedy 98 min Spielen
6.3 Plattfuss am Nil

Plattfuss am Nil

Connie Burns, die Nichte eines Ölmillionärs, und Cerullo, ein schrulliger Professor, der sich hauptsächlich mit Käfern beschäftigt, sind entführt worden. Cerullo hat die ungeheuer interessante Entdeckung gemacht, daß ein bestimmtr Käfer nur dort anzutreffen ist, wo Ölvorkommen zu finden sind. Kommissar Rizzo, auch Plattfuss genannt, gelingt es zwar die junge Connie zu befreien, doch der Professor bleibt verschwunden. Die Spur führt nach Ägypten, und Plattfuß macht sich mit seinem lustigen ...

1980 Action 104 min Spielen
6.2 Hot Potato

Hot Potato

A factory worker known for his tough attitude and for fighting for workers' rights starts losing credibility when friends and co-workers see him helping a young gay man.

1979 Comedy 100 min Spielen
6.2 Plattfuss in Afrika

Plattfuss in Afrika

Kriminalkommissar Manuele Rizzo, Spitzname Plattfuß, vom Dezernat für Rauschgift der neapolitanischen Polizei trifft sich am Hafen mit einem Informanten, der ihn über einen Rauschgiftschmugglerring, der von Südafrika aus operiert, unterrichtet. Doch bevor er ihm alle Informationen zukommen lassen kann, wird er aus dem Hinterhalt erschossen. Doch wäre Plattfuß nicht Plattfuß, wenn er die Sache auf sich beruhen lassen würde. So fliegt er selbst nach Südafrika, um den Verbrechern das Handwerk ...

1978 Action 115 min Spielen
5.2 Three Tigers Against Three Tigers

Three Tigers Against Three Tigers

Don Cimbolano - a priest in a small town. Oscar - a offender escaped from prison. Philip - attorney loser. They don't lose heart and find ways out of the most incredible situations.

1977 Comedy 115 min Spielen
7.3 Horse Fever

Horse Fever

1976 Komödie 94 min Spielen
6.1 Flatfoot in Hong Kong

Flatfoot in Hong Kong

Inspector Rizzo is accused of drug trafficking. In order to clear his name he has to find out who is the person, from a Mafia ring, who has infiltrated his police department.

1975 Action 108 min Spielen
5.4 La poliziotta

La poliziotta

1974 Comedy 0 min Spielen
6.5 Sie nannten ihn Plattfuss

Sie nannten ihn Plattfuss

In Neapel schiebt der bullige Kommissar Rizzo, genannt “Plattfuß”, seit zwanzig Jahren Dienst im Kampf gegen Mord, Erpressung, Raub, Prostitution und Rauschgifthandel. Im Alleingang und unter Einsatz seiner großen Fäuste macht er so manchem Gangster das Leben schwer. Als er erfährt, dass ein Rauschgiftring in Neapel eine neue Operationsbasis aufbauen will, wird er von seinem neuen Vorgesetzten vom Dienst suspendiert. Rizzo vermutet, dass sein Chef korrupt ist.

1973 Action 110 min Spielen
6 The Migratory Bird

The Migratory Bird

Andrea Pomeraro, a history teacher, has an affair with a student who then blackmails him. Attempting to retrieve the incriminating photos, he accidentally becomes the head of the student revolt and ends up in jail.

1972 Comedy 102 min Spielen
6.5 Caprice Italian Style

Caprice Italian Style

The film consists of six short stories created by different directors, but all the stories share one thing: a warm irony to current events.

1968 Comedy 95 min Spielen
5.8 Letti sbagliati

Letti sbagliati

Four episodes: a traveler is enticed by train per bet; a professional wants to be alone with a woman he likes; a lawyer becomes the lover of an adversary; a man discovers his wife's infidelity after ten years.

1965 Comedy 98 min Spielen
6.5 Totò vs the Four

Totò vs the Four

1963 Comedy 0 min Spielen
0 Musketeers of the Sea

Musketeers of the Sea

Three pirates are saved from a shipwreck and seize a galleon bound for Maracaibo, where they will save the governor from a conspiracy. Italian adventure movie directed by Steno.

1962 Adventure 101 min Spielen
7.2 Totò diabolicus

Totò diabolicus

The marquis Galeazzo di Torre Alta is murdered by a mysterious killer who calls himself Diabolicus. His heirs are his three brothers and a sister, but all of them, with the exception of Monsignor Antonino di Torre Alta, are killed by Diabolicus. The police are unable to solve the case, but when Antonino gives his inheritance to Pasquale Bonocore, illegitimate son of his father and Pasquale is in prison and therefore can't be the killer, all the clues are in the hand of the police.

1962 Comedy 95 min Spielen
7.6 Two Colonels

Two Colonels

During the WWII Italians and English take and retake a village between the Albanian and Greek borders. It happens so often that not only do they use the same hotel as their headquarters, but also they find the time to become friends.

1962 Comedy 104 min Spielen
7 Letto a tre piazze

Letto a tre piazze

Antonio married Amalia and went to fight in Russia during World War II. Since he didn't return Amalia thought he was dead, so she married another man. Many year after the war end, Antonio returned. Amalia has to choose between two husbands.

1960 Comedy 100 min Spielen
5.7 Uncle Was A Vampire

Uncle Was A Vampire

Baron Osvaldo Lambertenghi is forced to sell his ancestral castle, staying on as a bellboy when it's converted into a hotel. However he becomes vampirized when his mysterious uncle comes to stay.

1959 Comedy 85 min Spielen
6.5 Toto in Madrid

Toto in Madrid

When the swindler La Spada and his accomplice José come out of jail in Madrid, they decide to pull a really great swindle: nothing less than to discover and sell a third picture of the famous Goya's Maya. They engage the renowed Scorcelletti who can imitate any picture and who lives in Rome. Afterwards, with the help of the beautiful Eva, they convince the celebrated art critic Francisco Montiel of the existance of a third Maya and let him find the picture. When the swindlers are on the ...

1959 Comedy 95 min Spielen