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0 Three Floors

Three Floors

Follows the lives of three families who live in a three-story building in a Roman neighbourhood.

2021 Drama 119 min Spielen
7.3 Santiago, Italia

Santiago, Italia

After the coup d'État of the Democratic government of Allende, the embassy of Italy in Santiago played a major role in helping the opposers of the regime, and extradited many of them to Italy.

2018 Documentary 80 min Spielen
6.6 Mia madre

Mia madre

Margherita hat es nicht leicht. Während sie sich um ihre alte Mutter Sorgen macht, muss sie als Regisseurin am Set ihres neusten Films ihre Autorität behaupten. Sie plagt sich mit den Launen des extra aus den USA eingeflogenen Hauptdarstellers herum, wird von der pubertierenden Tochter vor den Kopf gestossen und ihr Bruder ist mit seinen gut gemeinten, aber unnötigen Ratschlägen auch nicht immer die grosse Hilfe.

2015 Drama 106 min Spielen
6.8 We Have a Pope

We Have a Pope

The newly elected Pope suffers a panic attack just as he is about to greet the faithful who have gathered to see him. His advisors, unable to convince him he is the right man for the job, call on a renowned therapist who also happens to be an atheist. But the Pope's fear of his newfound responsibility is one he must face alone. Winner Best Film at the Italian Golden Globes.

2011 Comedy 102 min Spielen
6.8 To Each His Own Cinema

To Each His Own Cinema

A collective film of 33 shorts directed by different directors about their feeling about cinema.

2007 Comedy 100 min Spielen
6.6 Der Italiener

Der Italiener

Der glücklose Filmproduzent Bruno (Silvio Orlando) steckt in der Midlife Crisis, sonnt sich im zweifelhaften Erfolg seiner B-Movies und erlebt, wie sein Wunschprojekt, ein Historiendrama über Columbus, in die Brüche geht. Als Ersatz konzentriert er sich auf ein Traktat über Berlusconi und beginnt gegen alle Widerstände mit der Vorbereitung. Es wird aber auch nicht leicht: Die Beziehung zu seiner Frau Paola (Margherita Buy) scheitert kläglich, die Bank gibt ihm keinen Kredit mehr und ...

2006 Drama 112 min Spielen
7 The Son’s Room

The Son’s Room

A psychoanalyst and his family go through profound emotional trauma when their son dies in a scuba diving accident.

2001 Drama 99 min Spielen
7.3 Aprile


Nanni Moretti takes another look at the ebbs and flows of his life in April 1996, as he becomes a father for the first time and seems unable to focus on his documentary about the upcoming national elections.

1998 Comedy 78 min Spielen
5 Opening Day of Close-Up

Opening Day of Close-Up

At his cinema in Rome, the Nuovo Sacher, Nanni Moretti anxiously oversees preparations for the premiere of the film Close-up, by Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami. Meanwhile Disney's The Lion King is taking Italy by storm.

1996 Comedy 7 min Spielen
7.4 Caro diario

Caro diario

Nanni Moretti recalls in his diary three slice of life stories characterized by a sharply ironic look: in the first one he wanders through a deserted Rome, in the second he visits a reclusive friend on an island, and in the last he has to grapple with an unknown illness.

1993 Comedy 100 min Spielen
6.3 La cosa

La cosa

Italian Communist Party (PCI) is going to change name and identity and renew itself into a new 'Thing'. This is a selection of talks that took place in various sections of the party throughout Italy before the historical congress.

1990 Documentary 59 min Spielen
7.2 Red Wood Pigeon

Red Wood Pigeon

Michele is the leader of the Italian communist party and a professional water polo player. On this day he's just lost his memory following a car accident. So he has to discover the intricacies of his life again, and he does so through the naive eyes of the anxious child he used to be - through an improvised psychoanalytic trip symbolized by the friendships and adversities of a water polo game.

1989 Comedy 89 min Spielen
7.3 The Mass Is Over

The Mass Is Over

Onetime campus radical Nanni Moretti renounces his past to become a priest. Returning to his home village, Moretti is appalled at the lack of religious reverence amongst the townsfolk. Unable to communicate with any of his old friends, who've all gleefully succumbed to the Deadly Sins, Moretti cannot even count on solace from his own family, a screwed-up aggregation which gives the word "dysfunctional" several new meanings.

1985 Comedy 94 min Spielen
7.6 Bianca


Michele ist Mathematikprofessor und hat gerade eine neue Stelle in einer Schule mit einigen eigentümlichen Lehrmethoden angetreten. Nachdem eine Frau in seiner Nachbarschaft ermordet wird, lernt Michele die schöne Kollegin Bianca kennen, und es beginnt eine Beziehung zwischen den beiden. Wohin soll diese Beziehung führen, und wird Michele der Polizei helfen können, den Mörder zu fassen?

1984 Drama 96 min Spielen
7 Goldene Träume

Goldene Träume

Michele Apicella ist ein junger Film- und Theaterregisseur, der seine Probleme als Künstler lebt. In Italien erreichen Sie die achtziger Jahre, und Michele, der in den sechziger Jahren Kandidat war, befindet sich jetzt in einer neuen Ära voller Werte- und Ignoranzkrise. So wollte Michele mit seinen Werken den typischen Ausgestoßenen darstellen und einen gleichgültigen intellektuellen Ausgestoßenen hinterlassen, der einen Bruch zwischen ihm und der Welt der einfachen Leute herstellt.

1981 Fantasy 105 min Spielen
7.5 Ecce Bombo

Ecce Bombo

Michele, Goffredo, Mirko and Vito are four friends who have participated in the battles of the student in Sixties. Now in the Seventies, the four friends don't know what to do, though young and with so many possibilities to find a job in life. Intellectuals marginalized and misunderstood, the four friends find themselves when they can in a restaurant to discuss their outlandish theories. A girl named Olga disrupts their life, but Michele is her favorite, although he does not know what to do ...

1978 Comedy 103 min Spielen
6.4 I Am Self-Sufficient

I Am Self-Sufficient

Michele Apicella lives in Rome, in an apartment paid for by his father. Abandoned by his wife and his son Andrea, he occupies his time acting in an experimental theater company under the artistic direction of his friend Fabio.

1976 Comedy 95 min Spielen