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7.02 Zimmer mit Aussicht

Zimmer mit Aussicht

In der ersten Dekade des 20. Jahrhunderts kommt Lucy Honeychurch in Begleitung ihrer prüden Tante Charlotte nach Florenz, wo sie die Bekanntschaft des adretten George Emerson macht und sich zu einer leidenschaftlichen Umarmung hinreißen lässt. Zurück im kühlen England verdrängt Lucy ihre Gefühle und widmet sich wieder ihrem trockenen Verehrer Cecil Vyse. Am Ende entscheidet sie sich jedoch gegen die Konventionen und für die Liebe.

1985 Drama 117 min Spielen
5.7 The City of Your Final Destination

The City of Your Final Destination

Der Film handelt von einem iranischen Studenten, der nach seinem Abschluß in Kansas nach Argentinien reist, wo er von der Familie eines verstorbenen Autors die Erlaubnis dafür bekommen will, dessen Biographie zu schreiben.

2009 Drama 114 min Spielen
6.7 The White Countess

The White Countess

Iin 1930s Shanghai, 'The White Countess' is both Sofia—a fallen member of the Russian aristocracy—and a nightclub created by a blind American diplomat, who asks Sofia to be the centerpiece of the world he wants to create.

2005 Drama 135 min Spielen
5 Eine Affäre in Paris

Eine Affäre in Paris

Die schwangere Amerikanerin Roxeanne wird von ihrem französischen Ehemann Charles-Henri verlassen, dessen Familie steinreich ist und den amerikanischen Verwandten ein Gemälde abknöpfen will, das eigentlich Roxeanne mit in die Ehe brachte. Schwester Isabel legt ihr Liebesleben derweil auf zwei Liebhaber aus und genießt Paris.

2003 Drama 117 min Spielen
6 The Golden Bowl

The Golden Bowl

An intricately plotted tale of thwarted love and betrayal, "The Golden Bowl" tells the story of an extravagantly rich American widower and his sheltered daughter, both of whom marry only to discover that their respective mates, a beautiful American expatriate and an impoverished Italian aristocrat, are entangled with one another in a romantic intrigue of seduction and deceit.

2000 Drama 130 min Spielen
6.3 A Soldier’s Daughter Never Cries

A Soldier’s Daughter Never Cries

This fictionalized story, based on the family life of writer James Jones, is an emotional slice-of-life story. Jones is portrayed here portrayed as Bill Willis, a former war hero turned author who combats alcoholism and is starting to experience health problems. Living in France with his wife, daughter, and an adopted son, the family travels an unconventional road which casts them as outsiders to others. Preaching a sexual freedom, his daughter's sexual discovery begins at an early age and ...

1998 Drama 127 min Spielen
5.7 Surviving Picasso

Surviving Picasso

The passionate Merchant-Ivory drama tells the story of Francoise Gilot, the only lover of Pablo Picasso who was strong enough to withstand his ferocious cruelty and move on with her life.

1996 Drama 125 min Spielen
5 Jefferson in Paris

Jefferson in Paris

His wife having recently died, Thomas Jefferson accepts the post of United States ambassador to pre-revolutionary France, though he finds it difficult to adjust to life in a country where the aristocracy subjugates an increasingly restless peasantry. In Paris, he becomes smitten with cultured artist Maria Cosway, but, when his daughter visits from Virginia accompanied by her attractive slave, Sally Hemings, Jefferson's attentions are diverted.

1995 Drama 139 min Spielen
6.7 Lumière and Company

Lumière and Company

40 international directors were asked to make a short film using the original Cinematographe invented by the Lumière Brothers, working under conditions similar to those of 1895. There were three rules: (1) The film could be no longer than 52 seconds, (2) no synchronized sound was permitted, and (3) no more than three takes. The results run the gamut from Zhang Yimou's convention-thwarting joke to David Lynch's bizarre miniature epic.

1995 Action 88 min Spielen
7.4 Was vom Tage übrig blieb

Was vom Tage übrig blieb

Der amerikanische Millionär Lewis ersteigert im Großbritannien der 1950er Jahre das Herrenhaus des in Schande verstorbenen gleichnamigen Lord Darlington. Dem Adligen wird vorgeworfen, zu Beginn der 30er Jahre mit Nazis zusammengearbeitet zu haben. Butler Stevens erinnert sich in einem Brief, gerichtet an die ehemalige Haushälterin Miss Kenton , an diese Zeit zurück und daran, wie sie zum ersten Mal in Darlington Hall aufkreuzte. Als Stevens seiner aus Pflichtgefühl unterdrückte Liebe ihr ...

1993 Drama 134 min Spielen
7.1 Wiedersehen in Howards End

Wiedersehen in Howards End

England im viktorianischen Zeitalter: Die adlige Ruth Wilcox verbindet eine enge Freundschaft mit der um Jahre jüngeren Margaret Schlegel aus bürgerlichem Hause. Ruths Angehörige beäugen die Verbundenheit der Frauen kritisch. Als Ruth stirbt, erwartet die Familie eine Überraschung: Margaret erbt ganz allein den Familienbesitz Howards End.

1992 Drama 140 min Spielen
5.8 Mr. & Mrs. Bridge

Mr. & Mrs. Bridge

Set during World War II, an upper-class family begins to fall apart due to the conservative nature of the patriarch and the progressive values of his children.

1990 Drama 126 min Spielen
7.5 Maurice


After his lover rejects him, a young man trapped by the oppressiveness of Edwardian society tries to come to terms with and accept his sexuality.

1987 Drama 140 min Spielen
7 A Room with a View

A Room with a View

When Lucy Honeychurch and chaperon Charlotte Bartlett find themselves in Florence with rooms without views, fellow guests Mr Emerson and son George step in to remedy the situation. Meeting the Emersons could change Lucy's life forever but, once back in England, how will her experiences in Tuscany affect her marriage plans?

1985 Drama 117 min Spielen
4.7 The Bostonians

The Bostonians

A bored lawyer and a suffragette vie for the attention of a faith healer's charismatic daughter.

1984 Drama 122 min Spielen
6.5 Heat and Dust

Heat and Dust

1983 Drama 133 min Spielen
5.6 Quartet


When her husband's arrest leaves her penniless, a woman accepts an invitation to move in with a strange couple.

1981 Drama 101 min Spielen
5.6 The Europeans

The Europeans

A New England household is upset by the arrival of two cousins from Europe.

1979 Drama 90 min Spielen
5.2 The Wild Party

The Wild Party

Loosely based on the Fatty Arbuckle scandal, an aging silent movie comic star tries for a comeback by staging a wild party that turns into a sexual free-for-all. The comic ends up killing his mistress and her latest boyfriend.

1975 Drama 109 min Spielen
6.6 Shakespeare-Wallah


The story of a family troupe of English actors who travel around the towns and villages in India giving performances of Shakespearean plays. Through their travels we see the changing face of India as the old is replaced by the new, Maharajas become hotel owners, sports become more important than culture and the theater is replaced by Bollywood movies. Based on the travels of Geoffrey Kendal with his daughter Felicity Kendal.

1965 Drama 120 min Spielen