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6.3 Chambre 212

Chambre 212

2019 Drama 88 min Spielen
6.5 30/30 Vision: Three Decades of Strand Releasing

30/30 Vision: Three Decades of Strand Releasing

Over 30 filmmakers and friends of Strand Releasing have come together to honor the company’s indelible contribution to independent cinema over the past thirty years. The participating filmmakers have each created a short film for the project, all shot on iPhones.

2019 Comedy 63 min Spielen
6.4 On a Magical Night

On a Magical Night

After 20 years of marriage, Maria decides to leave her husband. She moves into room 212 at the hotel across the street, with a bird’s-eye view of her apartment, her husband and the life she shared with him. While she wonders if she made the right decision, many of the people in her life offer their opinions on the matter. They intend to let her know, whether she likes it or not, on what proves to be a life-changing evening.

2019 Comedy 88 min Spielen
6.8 Sorry Angel

Sorry Angel

Jacques is a writer living in Paris. He hasn't turned 40 but already mistrusts that the best in life is yet to come. Arthur is a student living in Brittany. He reads and smiles a lot and refuses to think that everything in life might not be possible. Jacques and Arthur will like each other. Just like in a lovely dream. Just like in a sad story.

2018 Drama 132 min Spielen
4.7 Sophie’s Misfortunes

Sophie’s Misfortunes

Sophie is far from being the model little girl one would like her to be, unlike her friends Camille and Madeleine. She always insists on having her own way, often getting into trouble, to the despair of one and all. But her mother is unbending and otherwise inclined. She will not let her get away with anything, and poor Sophie will often have to live with the consequences of her bad behaviour and learn her lesson.

2016 Comedy 106 min Spielen
6.4 Beloved


From Paris in the 1960s to London in the first decade of the third millennium, Madeleine and her daughter Véra flit from one amorous adventure to the next, living for the moment and taking all the opportunities that life offers. But not every love affair is without its consequences, its upsets and its disappointments. As time goes by and gnaws away at one’s deepest feelings, love becomes a harder game to play.

2011 Drama 139 min Spielen
5.5 Making Plans for Lena

Making Plans for Lena

Ever since she broke up with Nigel, Lena soldiers on through life as best she can with her two kids. She valiantly overcomes the obstacles put in her way. But she has yet to confront the worst of them: Her unstoppable family has decided, by any means necessary, to make her happy.

2009 Comedy 105 min Spielen
6.4 The Beautiful Person

The Beautiful Person

In the wake of her mother's tragic death, French teenager Junie transfers to a different high school. Though Junie lives mostly inside her own head, her beauty and stoicism win her the attention of the entire male student population. Junie begins dating the gentle Otto Cleves, but finds herself intensely drawn to her youthful Italian language teacher, Nemours. When Nemours begins to reciprocate, serious complications ensue.

2008 Comedy 97 min Spielen
7.1 Chanson der Liebe

Chanson der Liebe

Ismael und Julie, die in der Hoffnung, ihre ins Stocken geratene Beziehung zu entfachen, einen verspielten, aber emotional geschnürten Dreier mit Alice eingehen. Wenn eine Tragödie eintritt, sind diese jungen Pariser gezwungen, sich mit der Fragilität des Lebens und der Liebe auseinanderzusetzen. Für Ismael bedeutet dies, über die Fortschritte von Julies Schwester und eines jungen College-Studenten zu verhandeln - einer davon könnte ihm Erlösung bieten.

2007 Drama 91 min Spielen
6.4 In Paris

In Paris

Paul ist nach seiner Trennung von Anna schwer depressiv und kehrt nach Paris zurück, wo er bei seinem geschiedenen Vater und seinem jüngeren Bruder Jonathan einzieht. Die beiden versuchen so gut es geht, Paul aufzumuntern - mit mäßigem Erfolg.

2006 Drama 92 min Spielen
4.5 Meine Mutter

Meine Mutter

Der 17jährige Pierre verlebt eine behütete Jugend, bis er in den Sommerferien zu seinen Eltern auf die Kanarischen Inseln kommt. Sein Vater stirbt plötzlich und seine Mutter Hélène nimmt sich des Jungen an. Sie ist Nobel-Prostituierte und führt ihren Sohn nach und nach auf ihren nächtlichen Streifzügen in ausufernde Perversionen ein, ja, sie teilen sich sogar gemeinsam eine Geliebte, Réa. Diese sorgt dafür, dass Pierre in einem Rausch aus Exzessen und Orgien versinkt, in einem Strudel aus ...

2004 Drama 107 min Spielen
6.1 Close to Leo

Close to Leo

When 21 year-old Leo, the oldest of four brothers, announces to his rural French family that he's HIV positive, his family quickly rallies around him. Leo travels to Paris with his youngst brother Marcel for treatment. When Leo tries to push his brother away to protect him, the love and loyalty of the two brothers is tested.

2002 Drama 90 min Spielen