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6.1 Farewell to the Night

Farewell to the Night

Muriel breeds horses in France and runs an almond plantation with her business partner from the Maghreb. A confident woman who spent her childhood and youth in Algeria, Muriel seems to enjoy a life that is both harmonious and fulfilled. She receives a visit from her beloved grandson Alex, whom she raised after his mother died in an accident. He is on his way to Canada, where he allegedly has a job. However, Muriel discovers that Alex has other plans – and a much more dangerous destination. ...

2019 Drama 104 min Spielen
6.9 Mit Siebzehn

Mit Siebzehn

Aus einem Tal in den Pyrenäen wird die Landärztin Dr. Marianne Delille (Sandrine Kiberlain) auf einen abgelegenen Berghof gerufen, um die Bäuerin zu untersuchen. Thomas Chardoul (Corentin Fila), der Adoptivsohn der Kranken, gefällt ihr auf Anhieb gut, ein hübscher Kerl mit halbafrikanischen Wurzeln, dessen ruhige männliche Tatkraft sie beeindruckt. Als die Mutter des Jungen ins Krankenhaus muss, fordert Marianne Thomas dazu auf, bei ihr und ihrem ehrgeizigen Sohn Damien (Kacey Mottet Klein) ...

2016 Drama 116 min Spielen
5.7 In the Name of My Daughter

In the Name of My Daughter

In 1976 in Nice, Agnes, the daughter of the owner of the Palais de la Méditerranée, falls in love with an older lawyer.

2014 Drama 122 min Spielen
5.4 Unforgivable


A middle-aged writer is looking for a quiet retreat; a slightly younger female estate agent gives him details of a house a close to Venice.

2011 Drama 111 min Spielen
5.8 The Girl on the Train

The Girl on the Train

The Girl on the Train is a 2009 French drama film directed by André Téchiné. Jeanne is a young woman, striking but otherwise without qualities. Her mother tries to get her a job in the office of a lawyer, Bleistein, her lover years ago. Jeanne fails the interview but falls into a relationship with Franck, a wrestler whose dreams and claims of being in a legitimate business partnership Jeanne is only too happy to believe. When Franck is arrested, he turns on Jeanne for her naivety; she's ...

2009 Drama 105 min Spielen
6.7 The Witnesses

The Witnesses

Manu arrives in Paris, in the early days of AIDS, at the beginning of the 1980s. He strikes up a friendship with Adrien, a wealthy doctor in his early fifties, who introduces him to Sarah and Mehdi, a young couple.

2007 Drama 112 min Spielen
5.8 Changing Times

Changing Times

In Tangiers where he traveled for his work, a man finds the woman he loved, and attempts to revive their romance though it ended some 30 years earlier.

2004 Drama 90 min Spielen
6.2 Far Away

Far Away

Serge is a long distance lorry driver between Morocco andEurope. In Tangier, he tries to reconcile with his former girlfriend, Sarah. She has refused to have anything to do with him since her mother’s death and intends to join her brother in Canada. Serge appeals to Sarah’s protector, a young Arab named Saïd, to allow him to meet up with Sarah, promising in return to smuggle Saïd into Europe...

2001 Drama 120 min Spielen
5.9 Alice and Martin

Alice and Martin

At the age of 20, Martin leaves his home town and comes to Paris, where he fortunately becomes a model by chance. He meets Alice, his brother's friend, and falls in love with her. They start a passionate relationship, although Martin remains very mysterious about his past and the reasons why he left his family. But when Alice tells him she's pregnant, he is suddenly almost driven to madness, as his past comes back to his mind. Alice will now do anything she can to help him

1998 Drama 124 min Spielen
6.7 Thieves


In the middle of the night, someone brings Ivan's body home to his wife and his sad-faced, jug-eared son. Through flashbacks, the film discloses the relationships among Ivan and his brother Alex, a cop with a cleanliness fetish; siblings Juliette and Jimmy, Ivan's partners in a seedy nightclub; the love triangle of Alex, Juliette, and Marie, a professor of philosophy; and of Alex and his nephew, Ivan's dour, stoic son. Ivan's death changes every relationship.

1996 Crime 117 min Spielen
7.3 Wild Reeds

Wild Reeds

As the Algerian War draws to a close, a teenager with a girlfriend starts feeling homosexual urges for two of his classmates: a country boy, and a French-Algerian intellectual.

1994 Drama 115 min Spielen
6.6 My Favorite Season

My Favorite Season

Old woman Berthe leaves her house to live in her daugter Emilie's one. Emilie and her brother Antoine have fallen out three years ago and have not seen each other since, but Emilie invites him for Christmas. Memories will come up, and will be depicted both Berthe's destiny and the strange relationship between Emilie and Antoine.

1993 Drama 127 min Spielen
6.5 Ich küsse nicht

Ich küsse nicht

Als der 16-jährige Pierre sein Heimatdorf im Südwesten Frankreichs verlässt, hat er große Pläne: Er will in der Hauptstadt als Schauspieler das große Geld machen. Doch in Paris angekommen muss Pierre erkennen, dass die harte Realität der Großstadt ganz anders aussieht als das sorglose Landleben... André Téchiné inszenierte diesen Mix aus düsterer Milieubeschreibung und Porträt eines hoffnungsvollen Möchtegern-Schauspielers, der am Ende eines besseren belehrt wird. Begleitet von äußeren ...

1991 Drama 115 min Spielen
5.7 Rendez-vous


A woman and three men. Nina, who's come to Paris to act and sleeps with any man at hand, meets Paulot, a young estate agent; he's smitten. She also meets Paulot's flatmate Quentin, a compulsive who stalks her. To Paulot's jealous dismay, she's willing to sleep with Quentin, and wants Paulot's friendship. After a desperate act by Quentin, Nina and Paulot share a flat, but she still won't take him as a lover; instead, her energy goes into a production of "Romeo and Juliet" directed by a ...

1985 Drama 82 min Spielen
6.2 Hotel America

Hotel America

Helene, a pill-addicted anesthesiologist, is mourning the death of her boyfriend when, through a car accident she causes, she chances to meet the lethargic Gilles, a young man who lives for free at his mother's hotel. Gilles pursues Helene romantically, and she eventually softens up. Gilles, however, is also devoted to Bernard, a petty crook who revels in mugging gay men. All three struggle with relationships that seem to be going nowhere.

1981 Drama 95 min Spielen
6.1 The Bronte Sisters

The Bronte Sisters

In a small presbytery in Yorkshire, England, living under the watchful eyes of their aunt and father, a strict Anglican pastor, the Bronte sisters write their first works and quickly become literary sensations.

1979 Drama 120 min Spielen
5.8 Barocco


A woman falls in love with the man who killed her former boyfriend.

1976 Thriller 110 min Spielen