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5.603 Feuer


Jean und Sara leben seit 10 Jahren zusammen. Als sie sich zum ersten Mal trafen, lebte Sara mit François zusammen, Jeans bestem Freund und Bewunderer aus der Zeit, als er Profi-Rugby spielte. Jean und Sara lieben sich. Eines Tages sieht Sara François auf der Straße. Er bemerkt sie nicht, aber sie überkommt das Gefühl, dass sich ihr Leben plötzlich ändern könnte. François nimmt wieder Kontakt zu Jean auf. Zum ersten Mal seit Jahren. Er schlägt vor, wieder zusammenzuarbeiten. Von hier an ...

2022 Drama 117 min Spielen
4.7 Enquête sur un scandale d’État

Enquête sur un scandale d’État

2022 Drama 123 min Spielen
6.52 Die Drachenjäger

Die Drachenjäger

Die Welt, wie wir sie kennen, ist nur noch graue Erinnerung. Ziellos treiben die Menschen und Tiere in ihren Städten und Häusern auf großen und kleinen Gesteinsbrocken durch Zeit und Raum, begegnen sich zufällig und schweben wieder davon. In dieser Welt ohne Zukunft regieren die Drachen, und der schrecklichste von ihnen setzt an, alles um sich herum zu vernichten: der Weltenfresser. Der Mythos besagt, dass er alle 20 Monde erwacht und die Menschheit in Angst und Schrecken versetzt. Lord ...

2008 Animation 80 min Spielen
6.7 Titane


Following a series of unexplained crimes, a former firefighter is reunited with his son who has been missing for 10 years.

2021 Drama 108 min Spielen
5.8 My Cousin

My Cousin

Pierre is the highly successful CEO of a large family-owned company. Before signing the deal of the century, he has to settle one last formality: obtain the signature of his cousin Adrien who owns 50% of his firm. This sweet, idealistic dreamer, who makes one blunder after another, is so happy to see Pierre again that he wants to spend time with him and delay the moment of signing. So Pierre has no choice but to take his cousin with him on a turbulent business trip during which his patience ...

2020 Comedy 107 min Spielen
4.8 Casanova, Last Love

Casanova, Last Love

Year 1763. Forced into exile, the famous libertine Giacomo Casanova leaves Paris and travels to London, where he meets Marianne de Charpillon, a young prostitute to whom he is so attracted that he forgets about the other women.

2019 Drama 99 min Spielen
6.2 The Apparition

The Apparition

Jacques Mayano, a French journalist who has lived a traumatic experience, is recruited by the Vatican to be part of a task force that must investigate the veracity of a supernatural apparition allegedly happened in a small French village.

2018 Drama 139 min Spielen
7.1 Streik


Vor zwei Jahren unterzeichnete im südfranzösischen Aden der bekannte Automobilzulieferer Perrin Industry, der 1.100 Angestellte führt und eine Tochtergesellschaft der deutschen Gruppe Schäfer ist, eine Vereinbarung, laut der die leitenden Angestellten und Arbeitnehmer dazu aufgefordert werden, eine Lohnkürzung in Kauf zu nehmen, damit das Unternehmen gerettet werden kann. Immerhin gilt die Firma als einziger größerer Arbeitgeber der Region. Dafür gab es von Perrin Industry das Versprechen, ...

2018 Drama 105 min Spielen
4.4 Auguste Rodin

Auguste Rodin

Paris 1880. Der ebenso skandalträchtige wie erfolgreiche Bildhauer Auguste Rodin wähnt sich am Ziel seiner Träume. Mit 40 Jahren erhält er seinen ersten Staatsauftrag: „Das Höllentor“ – inspiriert von Dantes „Göttlicher Komödie“ – soll als Bronzeportal den Eingang des neuen Kunstgewerbemuseums im Pariser Louvre schmücken – eine alles verschlingende Arbeit, die zu Rodins Lebenswerk wird. Eine Phase manischen Schaffens beginnt, die durch Rodins Begegnung mit der hochtalentierten, 24 Jahre ...

2017 Drama 119 min Spielen
5.5 The White Knights

The White Knights

Jacques Arnault, head of Sud Secours NGO, is planning a high impact operation: he and his team are going to exfiltrate 300 orphan victims of the Chadian civil war and bring them to French adoption applicants. Françoise Dubois, a journalist, is invited to come along with them and handle the media coverage for this operation. Completely immersed in the brutal reality of a country at war, the NGO members start losing their convictions and are faced with the limits of humanitarian intervention.

2016 Drama 112 min Spielen
7.5 1945 : la chute du Reich

1945 : la chute du Reich

2015 Documentary 99 min Spielen
6.5 The Measure of a Man

The Measure of a Man

At the age of 51 and after 20 months on unemployment, Thierry starts a new job that soon brings him face to face with a moral dilemma. How much is he willing to accept to keep his job?

2015 Drama 93 min Spielen
7.7 Winston Churchill: A Giant in the Century

Winston Churchill: A Giant in the Century

A new look at the public and private life of one of the most important statesmen in the history of Europe: Winston Churchill (1874-1965), soldier, politician, writer, painter, leader of his country in the darkest hours, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, a myth, a giant of the 20th century.

2014 Documentary 92 min Spielen
6.3 Mea Culpa

Mea Culpa

Franck and Simon are both good cops. They work as partners. But their lives take a tailspin when Simon, driving drunk, causes a tragic car wreck. A few years later, out of the police, he is forced to take matters into his own hands when his family is in danger.

2014 Action 90 min Spielen
6.8 A Few Hours of Spring

A Few Hours of Spring

Forty-eight-year-old Alain Evrard is obliged to return home to live with his mother. This situation causes all the violence of their past relationship to rise to the surface. Alain then discovers that his mother has a fatal illness. In the last months of her life, will they finally be capable of taking a step toward each other?

2012 Comedy 92 min Spielen
5.5 Augustine


Set in Belle Époque France, the story follows nineteen-year-old "hysteria" patient Augustine, the star of Professor Charcot's experiments in hypnosis, as she transitions from object of study to object of desire.

2012 Drama 102 min Spielen
6.8 All Our Desires

All Our Desires

Claire and Stéphane are two Lyon-based judges who could hardly be more different. She is young and enthusiastic, committed to helping those unfortunates who find themselves in debt. He is older, wiser, but disillusioned with his work and his life. Under Claire’s influence, Stéphane discovers a new lease of life and at last finds a cause that is worth fighting for...

2011 Drama 120 min Spielen
6.4 Mademoiselle Chambon

Mademoiselle Chambon

Véronique Chambon (Sandrine Kiberlain), a single schoolteacher and Jean (Vincent Lindon), discover an unexpected bond that causes them to question the direction of their lives. They move in different social circles but their relationship develops and their lives begin gradually to unravel.

2009 Comedy 101 min Spielen
5.4 Mes amis, mes amours

Mes amis, mes amours

Two divorced fathers Mathias and Antoine, decide to raise their children together in London. Their lives consist of Sophie the pretty florist secretly in love with Antoine, Yvonne who runs the 'bistrot français' and has a very maternal outlook on life and Mac Enzie, the boss of Antoine's agency who is completley in love with Yvonne despite the big age difference.

2008 Comedy 99 min Spielen
6.9 Ohne Schuld

Ohne Schuld

Lisa und Julien führen mit ihrem Sohn Oscar ein glückliches Familienleben. Die heimische Idylle wird jedoch schlagartig zerstört, als eines Morgens die Polizei vor der Tür steht und die junge Mutter verhaftet. Des Mordes beschuldigt, wird sie für eine Tat, mit der sie scheinbar nichts zu tun hat, zu 20 Jahren Haft verurteilt. Einzig Julien glaubt an Lisas Unschuld und kämpft erbittert für ihre Freilassung. Doch die Zeit bis zur Berufungsverhandlung ist lang, die Erfolgsaussichten schlecht. ...

2008 Drama 92 min Spielen
6.5 Dragon Hunters

Dragon Hunters

Dragon Hunters is a fantastic tale telling the adventures of two dragon hunters: the world has become a vast conglomerate of islands of varying size and shape. This babbling universe is mainly peopled with ruthless rogues, surly peasants and illiterate, petty lords Their main concerns revolve around two fundamental rules : Eat and don't get eaten.

2008 Animation 80 min Spielen
6.1 Those Who Remain

Those Who Remain

Bertrand (Vincent Lindon) dutifully visits his terminally ill wife every day, braving the long train and bus ride to and from the hospital. Lorraine (Emmanuelle Devos) not so willingly visits her boyfriend who was diagnosed with colon cancer. They bump into each other during one of their visits and begin to meet for coffee. Coffee turns into Lorraine offering to drive Bertrand to the train station and the two turn to each other in their time of grief and confusion.

2007 Drama 93 min Spielen
6.2 Could This Be Love?

Could This Be Love?

Lucas, a wealthy, 43 year-old divorced businessman, is irresistibly attracted to Elsa, a 38 year old renowned sculptor from whom he has commissioned a piece to decorate the reception at his office.

2007 Comedy 90 min Spielen
6.3 The Moustache

The Moustache

One day, on a whim, Marc decides to shave off the moustache he's worn all of his adult life. He waits patiently for his wife's reaction, but neither she nor his friends seem to notice. Stranger still, when he finally tells them, they all insist he never had a moustache. Is Marc going mad? Is he the victim of some elaborate conspiracy? Or has something in the world's order gone terribly awry?

2005 Drama 87 min Spielen