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3.8 Kinky Killers

Kinky Killers

Patients of sexy psychiatrist Dr. Jill Kessey and eccentric attorney Alexander Hathaway are being murdered in bloody, satanic rituals. Law enforcement investigations reveal that sex and mutilation are the signatures of a serial killer, who likes to tattoo each of the victims after they are murdered. Lead detective Barry Harper discovers that some beautiful professional women are the prey...or are they doing the preying?

2007 Horror 85 min Spielen
3.9 Seed


Vancouver 1979: Endlich ist der berüchtigte Serienkiller Maxwell Seed gefasst worden. Mit Genugtuung beobachtet Detective Bishop wie Seed auf dem elektrischen Stuhl zuckt. Doch der bullige Mann überlebt die Hinrichtung. Als der Gefängnisarzt Wickson nach zwei weiteren Anläufen immer noch Puls feststellt fasst Direktor Calgrove eigenmächtig einen unlauteren Beschluss: Seed muss verschwinden! Der ohnmächtige Hühne wird lebendig auf dem Gefängnisfriedhof begraben. Am nächsten Tag ruft man ...

2007 Horror 90 min Spielen
4.1 BloodRayne II: Deliverance

BloodRayne II: Deliverance

Einige Jahrzehnte sind seit den Ereignissen des ersten Teils vergangen. Nun verschlägt es die Halbvampirin Rayne in den “Wilden Westen” nach Deliverance, wohin auch gerade ein Journalist der Chicago Chronicle, Newton Pyles, reiste um spannende Geschichte über Duelle zweier Cowboys erzählen zu können. Allerdings muss er schnell feststellen, dass es hier nicht wild, sondern absolut langweilig zugeht. Nur die nächste Woche endlich fertiggestellte Eisenbahnlinie sorgt für Interesse, an der ...

2007 Action 99 min Spielen
5.1 Crash Landing – Flug ohne Hoffnung

Crash Landing – Flug ohne Hoffnung

Air-Force-Heißsporn John Masters hat wieder seine Kompetenzen überschritten und fliegt deshalb vorläufig auf Bewährung. Nun soll er alles wieder gut machen, in dem er den Babysitter spielt für Rochelle Davis, ihres Zeichens verwöhnte Tochter eines mächtigen Rüstungsindustriellen und mit ihrer Saufclique auf dem Weg in die Ferien nach Australien. Masters ist skeptisch, wird aber schon bald dringend gebraucht, als eine Bande schwerbewaffneter Terrorsöldner den Privatflieger in ihre Gewalt bringt...

2006 Action 88 min Spielen
3.9 Komodo vs. Cobra

Komodo vs. Cobra

A team of environmentalists, including a reporter, her camera man, and an environmentalist's famous girlfriend charter a boat and with the captain, sail to a military island. They suspect the island is hosting to illegal activities. Upon arrival, however, they find no one. They finally reach a deserted house, where they find Dr. Susan Richardson, who tells them that everyone on the island is dead, including her father. Richardson's team were working on a compound that could make edible ...

2005 Horror 94 min Spielen
4.4 Gargoyle: Wings of Darkness

Gargoyle: Wings of Darkness

Two CIA agents are sent to Bucharest, Romania to solve a high profile kidnapping. But what they discover is something inexplicable. An evil gargoyle, once thought dead and banished forever, has returned with a vengeance.

2004 Horror 87 min Spielen
2 Red Serpent

Red Serpent

A powerful drug cartel in Moscow wants to use American businessman Steve Nichols in a smuggling scheme and ensures his cooperation by kidnapping his daughter. So Nichols solicits the help of a former KGB agent.

2002 Action 90 min Spielen
0 Falling Fire

Falling Fire

In the not so distant future mankind has squandered their resources. A team of specialists is sent to the nearby asteroid field to retrieve an asteroid that will serve to replenish some of our natural resources. However, unbeknownst to the team, there is a killer on board determined to take control of the asteroid and destroy all mankind.

1997 Science Fiction 96 min Spielen
0 Strip Search

Strip Search

Robby Durrell is the prince of the vice squad. A man who's seen it all and done a little of it too. But when the enchanting Sela hires him to help track down her stripper-stepdaughter, Robby learns there's more to Sela than meets the eye.

1997 Action 0 min Spielen
5 Carver’s Gate

Carver’s Gate

The world is a bleak desolate place where the people live in elevated cities. As the ground is uninhabitable, the citizens spend most of their lives wasting their time in virtual reality. Carver is a dream-breaker whose job is to enter the world of VR and fix what is wrong. And what is wrong is that his gal pal Dinah has been murdered in VR which should not be possible. But Carver soon finds that Dinah has constructed a transducer which allows people to enter VR without other equipment, but ...

1996 Science Fiction 97 min Spielen
6.9 Bad Moon

Bad Moon

Bei einer Urwald-Expedition wird Ted von einem Werwolf angegriffen, kann aber überleben. In seiner Heimat zieht er sich an einen abgelegenen See in den Wäldern zurück, wo er sich Nacht für Nacht in einen Werwolf verwandelt. Als seine Schwester Janet ihn bittet, bei ihm zu wohnen, nimmt er das Angebot an. Er hofft durch die Liebe seiner Familie den Fluch besiegen zu können. Um seine Familie nicht zu gefährden kettet er sich nachts an einen Baum, doch ...

1996 Horror 77 min Spielen
3 The Dangerous

The Dangerous

Brother and sister Ninja warriors get revenge for their sister's death by killing the drug dealers in New Orleans. The police enlist the help of a biker warrior to solve the crime. The head drug dealer stirs the pot even further by hiring Cajun warriors to kill those he believes are responsible for the deaths of his dealers.

1995 Action 96 min Spielen
4 Lunar Cop

Lunar Cop

A cop from the moon is sent to the Earth, now possessed by motorcycle-riding "Mad Max"-like inhabitants, to stop a serum from being released that he believes is going to destroy the Earth

1995 0 min Spielen
6 Deadly Heroes

Deadly Heroes

Ex-Navy SEAL Brad Cartowski is injured during an attack at Athens airport by terrorists who kidnap his wife and fly her on a hijacked plane to North Africa. Cartowski goes in pursuit, aided by another ex-SEAL, Cody Grant. Cartowski soon finds the terrorists' hide-out but is captured and electro-tortured before he manages to escape. He soon returns with reinforcements to rescue his wife and to wreak vengeance on Carlos, head of the terrorist ring.

1993 Action 105 min Spielen
6.9 Point of Impact

Point of Impact

Jack Davis is a tough, outspoken cop who finds himself wrongly accused for the death of a fellow agent by the depraved and power hungry chief of Miami Customs, Martin Cullen. Disgraced and dismissed, Jack swears revenge and goes to work for Roberto Largo, a rich, evil Cuban crime boss, as bodyguard for his smoldering wife, Eva. Jack knows Largo is connected to his old boss Cullen and is determined to learn the secret that will bring him down. Trapped in a deadly game of cat and mouse, held ...

1993 Action 96 min Spielen
0 Blink of an Eye

Blink of an Eye

An agent with psychic powers comes to the rescue of the kidnapped daughter of the CIA director.

1992 Adventure 93 min Spielen
4.3 Heiße Nächte in L.A.

Heiße Nächte in L.A.

Nach vier Jahren kommt Eric nach L. A. zurück. Mit dem Drogengeschäft und seinem ehemaligen Partner Carl will er nichts mehr zu tun haben. Doch die Vergangenheit holt ihn schneller ein als ihm lieb ist. Während Eric sich mit einer Rothaarigen amüsiert, stiehlt Danny Drogengelder von Carl, und Eric wird verdächtigt!

1992 Thriller 90 min Spielen
4.2 Into the Sun

Into the Sun

Arabien. Die sengende Wüste reicht bis zum Meer. Hier proben die besten Piloten der AMERICAN AIR FORCE ihre harten Jeteinsätze für den Ernstfall. Captain PAL WATKINS (Michel Pare) ist der Beste. Deshalb wird er gegen seinen Willen dazu abkommandiert dem Megastar TOM SADE (Anthony Michael Hall) das richtige Feeling für Flugszenen in seinem nächsten Film zu vermitteln. Aber aus dem Spiel wird blutiger Ernst: Ihr Düsenjäger wird über der Sahara von mysteriösen Kampfmaninen angegriffen und ...

1992 Action 101 min Spielen
5.2 Killing Streets

Killing Streets

A young Marine is kidnapped by terrorists in Lebanon. His twin brother, frustrated at his inability to get any kind of information from the government about his brother's plight, travels to Lebanon with a plan for his own rescue operation.

1991 Action 106 min Spielen
3 The Last Hour

The Last Hour

A former cop's ex-wife marries a stockbroker, who it turns out has cheated the Mafia out of a large sum of money. They kidnap the wife to force the husband to pay the money back. The ex-cop has to rescue her.

1991 Action 85 min Spielen
5 Moon 44

Moon 44

Year 2038: The mineral resources of the earth are drained, in space there are fights for the last deposits on other planets and satellites. This is the situation when one of the bigger mining corporations has lost all but one mineral moons and many of their fully automatic mining robots are disappearing on their flight home. Since nobody else wants the job, they send prisoners to defend the mining station. Among them undercover agent Stone, who shall clear the whereabouts of the expensive ...

1990 Science Fiction 98 min Spielen
6.5 Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives!

Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives!

In the sixties, Eddie and the cruisers was the hottest band around. But the tragic death of its lead singer broke the band up. Only Eddie is not dead. He works as a carpenter in Montreal. His love of music forces him to create a new band which will have to struggle with its anonymity.

1989 Drama 104 min Spielen
5.4 World Gone Wild

World Gone Wild

In the nuclear ravaged wasteland of Earth 2087 water is as precious as life itself. The isolated Lost Wells outpost survived the holocaust and the inhabitants guard the source of their existence. Now an evil cult of renegades want control of their valuable water supply. And the villagers are no match for such brute military force. Only one man can help the stricken community - a mercenary living in a distance cannibal city. But even he, and his strange henchmen, may not be able to survive ...

1987 Action 95 min Spielen
6.1 Das Philadelphia Experiment

Das Philadelphia Experiment

Im Jahr 1943 betreibt die US Navy Experimente, die ihre Kriegsschiffe für das feindliche Radar unsichtbar machen sollen. Als einer dieser Versuche aus dem Ruder gerät, werden die beiden Soldaten David und Jimmy in das Jahr 1984 versetzt. Während sie unter dem Kulturschock zu leiden haben, wird der Geheimdienst auf sie aufmerksam und will sie in Gewahrsam nehmen. Noch größere Gefahr droht jedoch durch den Umstand, dass die Welt unweigerlich dem Untergang geweiht ist, sollte es David und ...

1984 Abenteuer 102 min Spielen