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0 Il primo giorno della mia vita

Il primo giorno della mia vita

2023 Drama 0 min Spielen
5.67 7 Women and a Murder

7 Women and a Murder

Im Italien der 1930er-Jahre kommt es nach dem unerklärlichen Mord an einem Unternehmer zu aufwühlenden Stunden. Der Ehemann und Vater stand Zeit seines Lebens im Mittelpunkt einer bunten Gruppe von Frauen, die sich, nachdem sie sich in der Familienvilla versammelt haben, um gemeinsam den Weihnachtsabend zu feiern, gezwungen sehen, sich gegenseitig mit ihren Geheimnissen und Täuschungen zu konfrontieren und diese aufzudecken, um ein Geheimnis zu lösen, das sie alle irgendwie betrifft. ...

2021 Komödie 84 min Spielen
0 Three Floors

Three Floors

Follows the lives of three families who live in a three-story building in a Roman neighbourhood.

2021 Drama 119 min Spielen
6.1 Io c’è

Io c’è

2018 Komödie 100 min Spielen
4.2 These Days

These Days

A countryside town. Between old walls, on nocturnal jaunts along the shore, in the enchantment of a brief trespassing in nature, we experience the life and expectations of four girls whose friendship is not born out of overwhelming passions, mutual interests or great ideals.

2016 120 min Spielen
6.1 La vita possibile

La vita possibile

2016 Drama 0 min Spielen
6 Best Enemies Forever

Best Enemies Forever

What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex - husband?

2016 Comedy 92 min Spielen
6 Me, Myself and Her

Me, Myself and Her

Two women -- a restaurateur and an architect -- have a seemingly idyllic romantic relationship, until the latter encounters a man she had a fling with.

2015 Comedy 102 min Spielen
6.6 Mia madre

Mia madre

Margherita hat es nicht leicht. Während sie sich um ihre alte Mutter Sorgen macht, muss sie als Regisseurin am Set ihres neusten Films ihre Autorität behaupten. Sie plagt sich mit den Launen des extra aus den USA eingeflogenen Hauptdarstellers herum, wird von der pubertierenden Tochter vor den Kopf gestossen und ihr Bruder ist mit seinen gut gemeinten, aber unnötigen Ratschlägen auch nicht immer die grosse Hilfe.

2015 Drama 106 min Spielen
4.8 People Who Are Well

People Who Are Well

2014 Comedy 0 min Spielen
5.8 A Five Star Life

A Five Star Life

Single and middle-aged, beautiful Irene (Margarita Buy) is wholly devoted to her job as an inspector of luxury hotels. Constantly on the road, she indulges in expensive pleasures at impeccable resorts, but always incognito and alone, soon escaping to the next exotic destination with her checklist and laptop in tow. When her best friend and ex, Andrea (Stefano Accorsi), who has always been a source of emotional support, suddenly becomes unavailable, Irene is thrown into a deep existential ...

2013 Drama 85 min Spielen
6 The Red and the Blue

The Red and the Blue

The story of a teacher and his students, set in an Italian high school.

2012 Drama 98 min Spielen
6.8 We Have a Pope

We Have a Pope

The newly elected Pope suffers a panic attack just as he is about to greet the faithful who have gathered to see him. His advisors, unable to convince him he is the right man for the job, call on a renowned therapist who also happens to be an atheist. But the Pope's fear of his newfound responsibility is one he must face alone. Winner Best Film at the Italian Golden Globes.

2011 Comedy 102 min Spielen
5.4 Weddings and Other Disasters

Weddings and Other Disasters

Romantically disillusioned woman finds herself organising her sister's wedding. Cue romantic mismatching and shenanigans...

2010 Comedy 0 min Spielen
6.5 Happy Family

Happy Family

2010 Komödie 90 min Spielen
7.3 The Ladies Get Their Say

The Ladies Get Their Say

Every Thursday a group of ladies would gather to play cards and discuss their loves, lives and children while their daughters played in the next room. Thirty years later, the daughters meet at a funeral for one of the mothers. Like their mothers, they discuss their hopes, dreams and fears.

2009 Drama 94 min Spielen
7 Days and Clouds

Days and Clouds

Set in Genoa, the film concerns the financial struggles and emotional strain that occur after Michele loses his job. He and his wife Elsa are forced to give up their affluent lifestyle and cope with the tensions of moving into a smaller home, finding new work, and making sacrifices.

2007 Drama 115 min Spielen
7 Saturno Contro – In Ewigkeit Liebe

Saturno Contro – In Ewigkeit Liebe

Wir sind in Rom. Die Clique des schwulen Traumpaares Lorenzo und Davide trifft sich zum gemeinsamen Abendessen, es wird getanzt, gelacht und geredet... Doch der ausgelassene Abend steht unter keinem guten Stern, als Davides junger Liebhaber Lorenzo unvermittelt zusammenbricht. Einfach so. Alle stehen unter Schock. Im bleichen Licht des Krankenhausflures wird schnell klar, was geschieht, wenn Freundschaften auf solch eine harte Probe gestellt werden! Weltbilder wanken, Fassaden bröckeln, ...

2007 Drama 110 min Spielen
4.1 Commediasexi


2006 Comedy 0 min Spielen
6.6 Der Italiener

Der Italiener

Der glücklose Filmproduzent Bruno (Silvio Orlando) steckt in der Midlife Crisis, sonnt sich im zweifelhaften Erfolg seiner B-Movies und erlebt, wie sein Wunschprojekt, ein Historiendrama über Columbus, in die Brüche geht. Als Ersatz konzentriert er sich auf ein Traktat über Berlusconi und beginnt gegen alle Widerstände mit der Vorbereitung. Es wird aber auch nicht leicht: Die Beziehung zu seiner Frau Paola (Margherita Buy) scheitert kläglich, die Bank gibt ihm keinen Kredit mehr und ...

2006 Drama 112 min Spielen
6.1 The Vanity Serum

The Vanity Serum

The vips of italian television disappear in a mysterious way. Two detectives, Lucia and Franco, try to investigate in this mystery, drowning into a strange world, where the leader is the powerful star Sonia Norton.

2004 Crime 92 min Spielen
6.5 Caterina in the Big City

Caterina in the Big City

When her father, Giancarlo is transferred to Rome from the small country town of Montalto Di Castro, Caterina, a 12 years old girl, will discover her new classmates, a totally new world, an ambient extremely divided politically.

2003 Comedy 105 min Spielen
7.3 His Secret Life

His Secret Life

When Antonia's husband Massimo is killed in a car accident, she accidentally discovers that he has been having a same-sex affair with a produce wholesaler named Michele.

2001 Drama 106 min Spielen
0 Sweet Idleness

Sweet Idleness

This movie depicts the two years that young Stendhal spent in Italy. Stendhal, that time still known simply as Henri Beyle, is living the life of a wanderer, looking for a direction in his life, meeting famous Rossini and falling in love with young widow Giuseppina. A story of love, betrayal and an analysis of women and men's minds and souls.

1999 Comedy 119 min Spielen