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7.3 Biester


Die Lelièvres haben in der schüchternen Sophie endlich eine erstklassige Haushälterin gefunden. Sie bringt die pompöse Villa auf Hochglanz und kocht vorzüglich. Ansonsten ist sie recht anspruchslos und verbringt ihre knappe Freizeit fast ausschließlich vor dem Fernseher. Als die Familie in die Ferien fährt, freundet sich Sophie mit der frechen Postbeamtin Jeanne an. Ein dunkler Fleck in der Vergangenheit macht die beiden Frauen zu Verbündeten. Jeanne hegt zudem einen tiefen Hass gegen die ...

1995 Drama 111 min Spielen
5.3 Prêt-à-Porter


Ausgerechnet zu den herbstlichen Prêt-à-Porter-Modenschauen beißt deren Leiter Olivier de la Fontane ins Gras. Während die Geliebte trauert, tröstet sich seine Gattin mit ihrem Ex-Lover, der des Mordes an Olivier verdächtigt wird. Doch die Show muss weitergehen, denn die Reichen und Schönen der ganzen Welt haben sich in Paris versammelt und wollen unbedingt gesehen werden. Und während die dummschwätzende Fernsehreporterin Kitti versucht, ihren Kolleginnen von 'Vogue' und 'Elle' ein paar ...

1994 Drama 127 min Spielen
5.7 Aqui D’El Rei!

Aqui D’El Rei!

At the end of the nineteenth century, an army force led by Major Mouzinho de Albuquerque, a cavalry officer, imprisoned in Mozambique the great regulative Governor Gungunhana, who had rebelled against Portuguese government and sovereignty

1992 Drama 180 min Spielen
6.9 Love at the Top

Love at the Top

Nicholas Mallet, an inconspicuous and shy bank employee, one day successfully invites Marie-Paul, a young woman he hadn’t known before, in the streets of Paris to a café and sleeps with her the next day. When he tells his surprised friend Claude about the incident, the disillusioned and handicapped writer develops a plan to control and manipulate Nicholas’ life. First of all, he procures him to Roberte, a professor of philosophy’s frustrated and bored wife...

1974 Comedy 105 min Spielen
7 The Bear and the Doll

The Bear and the Doll

Cellist Gaspard is living in a big house in the country with his son and three nieces. He likes being quiet. One day, his modest car bumps into a Rolls-Royce, driven by Felicia, a young, beautiful, wealthy and temperamental woman. And she knows it. She is very angry at him because he seems not to be under her charm. She decides to seduce him, but Gaspard did not feel like letting his life being invaded by such a woman.

1970 Comedy 90 min Spielen
6.2 The Breach

The Breach

An innocent woman falls prey to her abusive husband, his wealthy father and a shady family friend.

1970 Thriller 124 min Spielen
8 Armee im Schatten

Armee im Schatten

Im Frankreich des Jahres 1942 bekämpfen die Mitglieder der Résistance die Nazi-Besatzer.Philippe Gerbier, Mitglied des Widerstands, konnte mit Mühe aus der Nazi- Haft entkommen und versucht nun, den Mann zu finden und zu richten, der Schuld an seiner Verhaftung ist. Mathilde, die Mitglied und Leiterin der Pariser Résistance ist, soll von der Gestapo gezwungen werden, den Widerstand zu verraten, wenn sie ihre Tochter wiedersehen will...

1969 Drama 138 min Spielen
7.3 Is Paris Burning?

Is Paris Burning?

Near the end of World War II, Gen. Dietrich von Choltitz receives orders to burn down Paris if it becomes clear the Allies are going to invade, or if he cannot maintain control of the city. After much contemplation Choltitz decides to ignore his orders, enraging the Germans and giving hope to various resistance factions that the city will be liberated. Choltitz, along with Swedish diplomat Raoul Nordling, helps a resistance leader organize his forces.

1966 Drama 175 min Spielen
5.3 Cyrano and d’Artagnan

Cyrano and d’Artagnan

Duelist and poet Cyrano de Bergerac and musketeer d'Artagnan meet and team up to stop the conspiracy against King Louis XIII of France.

1964 Adventure 145 min Spielen
5.8 Arsene Lupin vs. Arsene Lupin

Arsene Lupin vs. Arsene Lupin

André Laroche, an industrialist, has just passed away. Face to his grave, as he is being buried, Anne de Vierne, the wife of a magistrate, confesses to her son François that Laroche was in fact Lupin and that he is his natural child. But he is not the gentleman thief's only offspring! Lupin had indeed another son by a housemaid, Gérard Dagmar, a dancer, magician and - occasionally - burglar. Which complicates the task of François who, to respect the last wishes of the testator, has gone in ...

1962 Comedy 90 min Spielen
6 The Elusive Corporal

The Elusive Corporal

The story serves as a companion piece to Renoir's 1937 film, Grand Illusion, once more bringing together men from across the broad social spectrum of French society to depict one man's Sisyphean efforts to escape captivity in a German POW camp.

1962 Comedy 90 min Spielen
5 The Joker

The Joker

A young man who lives on women meets his match in the young wife of a rich industrialist. Their affair is doomed by her taste for luxury and his dislike of her coolness.

1961 Comedy 88 min Spielen
6.2 Candide or The Optimism in the 20th Century

Candide or The Optimism in the 20th Century

The film is a 20th-century adaptation of Voltaire's 1759 social satire novel Candide, ou l’Optimisme.

1960 Comedy 88 min Spielen