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7.1 The Great Buster: A Celebration

The Great Buster: A Celebration

2018 Dokumentarfilm 102 min Spielen
4.8 The Unborn

The Unborn

A couple who cannot have children joins an in-vitro fertilization program. While she is with child, she finds strange occurrences happening within her body. The horror surrounding the child comes to light when the parents find that their child has been part of a mad experiment.

1991 Horror 83 min Spielen
5.7 The Willies

The Willies

Two brothers camping with their cousin try to frighten each other by telling stories. They start with urban legends, but then there are two main narrations: one involves strange happenings at an elementary school; the other, a teenage boy with a peculiar interest.

1990 Comedy 92 min Spielen
6.2 Die Rückkehr der Höllenzombies

Die Rückkehr der Höllenzombies

Ein paar Kinder entfesseln versehentlich ein mysteriöses Gas, das auf einem nahen Friedhof die Toten auferstehen lässt. Die nun herumziehenden Zombies haben es auf die Gehirne der Einwohner der kleinen Stadt abgesehen...

1988 Horror 85 min Spielen
3.6 Hardbodies 2

Hardbodies 2

A film crew is travelling from America to Greece to produce a movie. Before their work is done they will have to face many unusual situations, along with numerous opportunities for the actresses to take their clothes off.

1986 Comedy 88 min Spielen
7.2 Verdammt, die Zombies kommen

Verdammt, die Zombies kommen

Freddy hat einen neuen Job als Hilfskraft in einem medizinischen Versandhaus. Dort gibt es Skelette, halbe Hunde und eine Leiche in einer Kühlkammer. Als er seinen Chef fragt, was das Unheimlichste sei, dem dieser hier begegnet wäre, hört er Folgendes: Der Film „Night of the Living Dead“ beruhe auf Tatsachen, und nur weil die Army Druck gemacht habe, sei die Geschichte geändert worden. Freddy glaubt’s nicht, doch sein Vorgesetzter will den Beweis antreten. Er zeigt ihm einen Keller, in dem ...

1985 Horror 91 min Spielen
7.2 Film


A twenty-minute, almost totally silent film (no dialogue or music, one 'shhh!') in which Buster Keaton attempts to evade observation by an all-seeing eye. But, as the film is based around Bishop Berkeley's principle 'esse est percipi' (to be is to be perceived), Keaton's very existence conspires against his efforts. This was Samuel Beckett's only venture into the medium of cinema.

1965 Drama 20 min Spielen
4.3 Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster

Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster

When an atomic war on Mars destroys the planet's women, it's up to Martian Princess Marcuzan and her right-hand man Dr. Nadir to travel to earth and kidnap women for new breeding stock. Landing in Puerto Rico, they shoot down a NASA space capsule manned by an android. With his electronic brain damaged, the android terrorizes the island while the Martians raid beaches and pool parties

1965 Horror 79 min Spielen