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TV 6 The Stolen Cup

The Stolen Cup

Nachdem er sein Bankkonto geplündert hat, um seinen Sohn zur bevorstehenden Weltmeisterschaft mitzunehmen, ist Lucho am Boden zerstört, als sein fußballverrücktes Land, Argentinien, wegen einer Sanktion disqualifiziert wird. Um die Träume seines Sohnes wiederherzustellen und Argentinien wieder ins Turnier zu bringen, schmiedet Lucho den verrücktesten Plan in der Geschichte des Sports: Er will den WM-Pokal stehlen.

2022 Drama 30 min Spielen
6.5 Ecos de un crimen

Ecos de un crimen

2022 Horror 84 min Spielen
6.6 Impossible Crimes

Impossible Crimes

Experienced detective Lorenzo Brandoni is devastated after two personal catastrophes: his sister dies of cancer and his wife and son are killed in a car crash he’s mainly responsible for. Throwing himself into his work to ease the pain, he starts investigating a series of impossible crimes that a young nun claims responsibility for. Is she really the devil’s emissary ordered to carry out seemingly senseless slaughter? Or does she suffer from a mystical delirium? As she leads Brandoni ...

2019 Thriller 91 min Spielen
6.7 Severina


A melancholic, aspiring writer and bookseller is shaken by the appearances and disappearances of his newfound muse who steals books from his bookstore. When he discovers that she also steals from other bookstores, he is consumed with jealousy and starts living in a kind of love delirium, on the border between fiction and reality. The closer he gets to her, the more indescribable she becomes and he begins to wonder why she steals, what are her values and who is the older man she lives with. ...

2017 Drama 103 min Spielen