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7.6 Der heilige Berg

Der heilige Berg

Experimentalfilm des chilenischen Regisseurs Alejandro Jodorowsky aus dem Jahre 1973, der Kultstatus gewonnen hat. Das metaphysische Drama beschäftigt sich mit Religion und Gewalt - der Regisseur übernimmt die Hauptrolle des Alchimisten in diesem Werk, das von John Lennon bis Marilyn Manson viele Anhänger fand.

1973 Drama 114 min Spielen
6.5 Psychomagic, a Healing Art

Psychomagic, a Healing Art

Explores the therapeutic work of director Alejandro Jodorowsky, showing by means of real acts, what Psychomagic is, its principle, how it is practiced, and how it is applied in life. Jodorowsky works directly with real, suffering people who are eager to solve their problems.

2019 Documentary 104 min Spielen
7.9 Jodorowsky’s Dune

Jodorowsky’s Dune

Frank Herberts umfangreiches Werk "Dune" gilt als Klassiker der modernen Science-Fiction-Literatur und ähnlich wie Tolkiens "Der Herr der Ringe" und Burroghs "The Naked Lunch" lange Zeit als unverfilmbar. Obwohl das Mammutprojekt später Großmeister David Lynch zuteil wurde, erzählt der Film die Geschichte des chilenischen Filmemachers Alejandro Jodorowsky, der als Meister des surrealen Kinos gehandelt wird, wie er Mitte der 1970er Jahre trotz bewusst fehlender Kenntnis der Romanvorlage ...

2013 Dokumentarfilm 87 min Spielen
6.7 Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream

Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream

From 1970-1977, six low budget films shown at midnight transformed the way we make and watch films.

2006 Documentary 86 min Spielen
5.8 The Jodorowsky Constellation

The Jodorowsky Constellation

This documentary depicts the filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky talking about his life, his loves, his career as a filmmaker, graphic novelist, and workshop leader, and his eccentricities including tarot reader and theatrical director during The Panic Movement. Directed by Louis Mouchet, La Constellation Jodorowsky includes a lengthy on-camera interview with Jodorowsky in Spanish with subtitles. Marcel Marceau, Fernando Arrabal, Peter Gabriel, Jean "Moebius" Giraud, and Jean Pierre Vignau make ...

1994 Documentary 91 min Spielen
7.7 The Holy Mountain

The Holy Mountain

The Alchemist assembles together a group of people from all walks of life to represent the planets in the solar system. The occult adept's intention is to put his recruits through strange mystical rites and divest them of their worldly baggage before embarking on a trip to Lotus Island. There they ascend the Holy Mountain to displace the immortal gods who secretly rule the universe.

1973 Drama 114 min Spielen
7.2 El Topo

El Topo

El Topo decides to confront warrior Masters on a trans-formative desert journey he begins with his 6 year old son, who must bury his childhood totems to become a man.

1970 Action 125 min Spielen
6.2 The Severed Heads

The Severed Heads

A short mime adaptation of a Thomas Mann story about a Parisian urchin who makes her living selling human heads. Lost for nearly 50 years, the movie was found in 2006 by the son of Ruth Michelly and Saul Gilbert when he found it in his mom's attic in Munich.

1957 Fantasy 21 min Spielen